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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
3/20/2022 2:47:15 AMchaplol before revert after revert
3/20/2022 2:39:09 AMchaplol before revert after revert
3/20/2022 2:37:54 AMchaplol before revert after revert
Before After
1 In /debug, when I have about 500 wind generators on the screen and within draw distance, the Sim, Update, Draw time is somewhere between 30-100% difference. When not animated, it's somewhere between 2. 5, 90, 35. . when it is animated the same numbers are on average about 4. 4, 120, 40. I tried turning on the frame rate logger to give you more accurate info, but the widget doesn't seem to write to any log in my ZK dir. Maybe I need to restart the match to have it take effect, but seriously -- it's a *noticeable* visual frame rate difference between turning the animations on vs off. 1 In /debug, when I have about 500 wind generators on the screen and within draw distance, the Sim, Update, Draw time is somewhere between 30-100% difference. When not animated, it's around an average of 2. 5, 90, 35. . when it is animated the same numbers are on average about 4. 4, 120, 40. Eyeballed, but it was enough of a difference to notice a clear change. I tried turning on the frame rate logger to give you more accurate info, but the widget doesn't seem to write to any log in my ZK dir. Maybe I need to restart the match to have it take effect, but seriously -- it's a *noticeable* visual frame rate difference between turning the animations on vs off.
2 \n 2 \n
3 Btw, these are on absolute minimum graphics settings since the last engine update completely tanked performance. 3 Btw, these are on absolute minimum graphics settings since the last engine update completely tanked performance.
4 \n 4 \n
5 @GoogleFrog I think it's fair to say my loose testing is enough for you to at least try it yourself. It's bad, man. 5 @GoogleFrog I think it's fair to say my loose testing is enough for you to at least try it yourself. It's bad, man.