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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
3/20/2022 2:50:07 AMchaplol before revert after revert
3/20/2022 2:49:21 AMchaplol before revert after revert
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1 If you really need an infolog let me know where I can send it. But man, please, *please* consider that @Znack and I aren't complaining just to complain. There was such a noticeable difference in perf between animated vs not that I can't blame @Znack for getting frustrated when asking for this change for ten years and not getting traction. 1 If you really need an infolog let me know where I can send it. But man, please, *please* consider that @Znack and I aren't complaining just to complain. There was such a noticeable difference in perf between animated vs not that I can't blame @Znack for getting frustrated about this going on for ten years.