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Abuse of the !kick command and its impact on new players

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Post edit history
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6/17/2022 11:21:59 PMunknownrankTinySpider before revert after revert
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1 [q]Just because that's the way it is everywhere else doesn't mean that's the way it should be.[/q] 1 [q]Just because that's the way it is everywhere else doesn't mean that's the way it should be.[/q]
2 You can invert your control scheme for camera movement just to spite rest of the world, I'm sure someone would call it an improvement. 2 You can invert your control scheme for camera movement just to spite rest of the world, I'm sure someone would call it an improvement.
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4 [q]bad for the health and growth of the ZK community, especially for the noobs.[/q]
5 You know what else is bad for health and growth of a community? Not allowing anyone any control over hosting their own public rooms where they can kick undesirables at will. You can never have more than 1 room active because everyone is forced at gunpoint to tolerate eachother. There's no conflict to drive segregation which would naturally result in multiple hosts for groups of people that dislike one another.
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7 Official public hosts are great for new players, private hosts create longterm investment.