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Abuse of the !kick command and its impact on new players

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Post edit history
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6/18/2022 10:37:57 PMchaplol before revert after revert
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1 [quote]Does anyone have nice ways to do the following: 1 [quote]Does anyone have nice ways to do the following:
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3 Make it more obvious when you're hosting a public room. 3 Make it more obvious when you're hosting a public room.
4 Make it more obvious when you're joining a hosted room rather than an autohost. 4 Make it more obvious when you're joining a hosted room rather than an autohost.
5 Make hosted rooms default to private. 5 Make hosted rooms default to private.
6 \n 6 \n
7 These would help I think, but are hard to fit in. [/quote] 7 These would help I think, but are hard to fit in. [/quote]
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9 How about turning the match list into a table and have a check box column that's checked if it's public? That could also lead into sorting the available matches, which is something I'd love to see. 9 How about turning the match list into a table and have a check box column that's checked if it's public/autohost/private? That could also lead into sorting the available matches, which is something I'd love to see.