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Lobster throwing only my own units

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7/11/2022 5:38:54 AMTWrankshin_getter before revert after revert
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1 Consider one of the more impactful use of lobsters is lobbing enemy units, not lobbing allied units doesn't fit the design at all. 1 Consider one of the more impactful use of lobsters is lobbing enemy units, not lobbing allied units doesn't fit the design at all.
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3 The question under this condition is on how acceptable is it to throw allied units deliberately as some strategy, even under good faith try to win maneuvers. Now this range range from tactical saves of units too far forward and exposed/stunned, to literal armies stashed significantly behind the front line and out of position from fights. For the latter case, sometimes the armies are behind not because of lack of move commands but because of lack of mobility due to traffic jams common in dirtbagged terrain. 3 The question under this condition is on how acceptable is it to throw allied units deliberately as some strategy, even under good faith try to win maneuvers. Now this range range from tactical saves of units too far forward and exposed/stunned, to literal armies stashed significantly behind the front line and out of position from fights. For the latter case, sometimes the armies are behind not because of lack of move commands but because of lack of mobility due to traffic jams common in dirtbagged terrain.
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5 I don't see much allied lobster strategy probably because it is not particularly effective without coordination and probably would just piss people off, but maybe someone would do it one day. ( maybe a trollbot style account for isolation purposes) 5 I don't see much allied lobster strategy probably because it is not easily and particularly effective without coordination and probably would just piss people off, but maybe someone would do it one day. ( maybe a trollbot style account for isolation purposes) Perhaps some allied lobstering game winning play can be figured out after some study and experimentation.