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Shouldn't Minotaurs and Cyclops' flatten small bumps?

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10/11/2022 8:41:41 PMPLrankrookstoo before revert after revert
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1 im not talking one tank doing quake sized per 1 second. just small like 2tanks diameter quake. and only when D gun enabled so it has speed reduced by half. so taaaaanks wont cause pathing go berserk from changing envirionment. 1 im not talking one tank doing quake sized per 1 second. just small like 2tanks diameter quake. and only when D gun enabled so it has speed reduced by half. so taaaaanks wont cause pathing go berserk from changing envirionment.
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3 that said, quake missle should have higher range
4 \n
5 also there should be 2x costing freezing rocket that has homing abiltiy to track target...