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the payback for a mex, is, like, what? 45 metal? (IIRC)
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the payback for a mex, is, like, what? 45 metal? (IIRC)
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I'm pretty sure your team won't turn over and spontaneously combust if you give a teammate 45 metal
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I'm pretty sure your team won't turn over and spontaneously combust if you give a teammate 45 metal
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similarly, you won't be able to build a starlight at the 5 minute mark if you steal 45 metal from a teammate
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similarly, you won't be able to build a starlight at the 5 minute mark if you steal 45 metal from a teammate
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I mean, it's annoying, nobody likes being cheated, it's a shitty feeling.
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I mean, it's annoying, nobody likes being cheated, it's a shitty feeling.
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soo... can we just, not? like, don't spend all those APM and brainpower trying to 45-metal-up your teammate with super niche nanoframe mex exploits, and instead spent it trying to 45-metal-up [i]your enemy[/i] with better pewpew micro.
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soo... can we just, not? like, don't spend all those APM and brainpower trying to 45-metal-up your teammate with super niche nanoframe mex exploits, and instead spent it trying to 45-metal-up [i]your enemy[/i] with better pewpew micro.
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And, if somebody does build a nanoframe on the mex spot, no big deal. mex is mex, and metal for team is metal for team.
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And, if somebody does build a nanoframe on the mex spot, no big deal. mex is mex, and metal for team is metal for team.
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Just, don't ninja mex, You, your teammates and [i]your elo[/i] will all appreciate it
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Just, don't ninja mex, You, your teammates and [i]your elo[/i] will all appreciate it
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And live and let live, it's not something to declare war over
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And live and let live, it's not something to declare war over
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If we do end up implementing a per-contribution payback system, could we also apply that to energy? I'd sometimes ask my teammates to donate their geo so I can morph it with my own metal, and I'd still like my teammates to get their payback. (ofc there's more examples I can list)
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If we do end up implementing a per-contribution payback system, could we also apply that to energy? I'd sometimes ask my teammates to donate their geo so I can morph it with my own metal, and I'd still like my teammates to get their payback. (ofc there's more examples I can list)
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