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How economic would real-life gunships be to fly and hover?

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11/10/2022 1:21:15 PMDErankkatastrophe before revert after revert
Before After
1 Do you think at least 4 combustion engines are more economic in terms of fuel-consumption than this? 1 Do you think at least 4 combustion engines are more economic in terms of fuel-consumption than this?
2 \n 2 \n
3 https://de. wikipedia. org/wiki/Hubschrauber#/media/Datei:RAN_squirrel_helicopter_at_melb_GP_08. jpg 3 https://i. imgur. com/15GtSnD. jpg
4 \n 4 \n
5 If they do not burn less fuel, they are not economic at all. 5 If they do not burn less fuel, they are not economic at all.
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