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How economic would real-life gunships be to fly and hover?

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11/10/2022 3:49:56 PMPLrankrookstoo before revert after revert
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1 @accountio you basically described a jet powered helicopter, or harrier jump jet. its doable. the question is do you want to do it knowing that militaries will start circeljerking orver it so they can kill more people with it...
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1 I think we can achieve real economic turnouts of 1 arabian wedding tent / 10 metric tons of fuel, kinda like ah64 apache... on related note, this: 3 I think we can achieve real economic turnouts of 1 arabian wedding tent / 10 metric tons of fuel, kinda like ah64 apache... on related note, this:
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3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPCpGSjNxHo 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPCpGSjNxHo