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spread existing option to more units

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Date Editor Before After
1/26/2023 9:16:41 PMDErankforticulus before revert after revert
Before After
1 no, it won't if that option is disabled by default like on the badger and is only selectively enabled for the 2-3 units to protect an designated areal. 1 no, it won't if that option is disabled by default like on the badger and is only selectively enabled for the 2-3 units to protect an designated areal.
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3 also i set my merlins to default "holöd fire" so it doesnt cause any firendly fire after production until i positioned it porpperly and switch it to "fire at will" 3 also i set my merlins to default "hold fire" so it doesn't cause any friendly fire after production until i positioned it porperly and switched it to "fire at will"
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6 o/ 6 o/
7 forti 7 forti