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Post edit history

give top 10 1v1 players voting rights on balance

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
1/31/2023 5:08:33 AMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
Before After
1 The opinions of the higher-ranked players in 1v1 and teams do get canvassed every once in a while. Those opinions are useful for identifying problems with balance but not necessarily for finding good solutions. Being good at playing a game does not necessarily make you good at designing a game. 1 The opinions of the higher-ranked players in 1v1 and teams do get canvassed every once in a while. Those opinions are useful for identifying problems with balance but not necessarily for finding good solutions. Being good at playing a game does not necessarily make you good at designing a game.
2 \n 2 \n
3 [quote]so actual develobbers can focus on features, bugs, performance etc. not balance[/quote] 3 [quote]so actual develobbers can focus on features, bugs, performance etc. not balance[/quote]
4 This sounds like it would result in fewer people wanting to do development. 4 This sounds like it would result in fewer people wanting to do development. Take away the fun in game design and just leave all the hard work.