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B1608455 17 on Tundra_V2 (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
4/17/2023 8:03:34 AMDErankAdminmojjj before revert after revert
4/17/2023 8:00:39 AMDErankAdminmojjj before revert after revert
4/17/2023 7:59:56 AMDErankAdminmojjj before revert after revert
Before After
1 the screenshot at hand displays the reaction to a previously executed assault from south towards north. 1 the screenshot at hand displays the reaction to a previously executed assault from south towards north ( at the position where now is a lotus forrest) .
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3 it was way more intense, but on display it is only shown the aftermath. south had the upperhand in units, but we reacted and moved more units to this location to create nummerical advantage. lance snipes essential units, so the rest of our units can work with advantage. also to secure the reclaim. and you CAN see, that the right front was left intentionally understaffed which is quite a gamble/risk. this opportunity was not taken by south team, and the game was won. 3 it was way more intense, but on display it is only shown the aftermath. south had the upperhand in units, but we reacted and moved more units to this location to create nummerical advantage. lance snipes essential units, so the rest of our units can work with advantage. also to secure the reclaim. and you CAN see, that the right front was left intentionally understaffed which is quite a gamble/risk. this opportunity was not taken by south team, and the game was won.
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5 also, on both sides/sea, the south team was pressing harder but not succeeded before resign. 5 also, on both sides/sea, the south team was pressing harder but not succeeded before resign.