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B1608455 17 on Tundra_V2 (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
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4/17/2023 1:03:41 PMDErankdunno before revert after revert
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1 I was playing badly here because, tilted from the previous game where roughly 3000 shockleys were sent at my army, I was trying to figure out a shockley abuse strategy with bandits for cleanup, but it never got to that stage so I just ended up with mostly useless bandits. 1 I was playing badly here because, tilted from the [url=http://zero-k. info/Battles/Detail/1608444]previous game[/url] where roughly 3000 shockleys were sent at my army, I was trying to figure out a shockley abuse strategy with bandits for cleanup, but it never got to that stage so I just ended up with mostly useless bandits.