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Assault ranking

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
7/11/2023 11:45:08 PMUSrankVorpalkitty before revert after revert
7/11/2023 11:43:48 PMUSrankVorpalkitty before revert after revert
Before After
1 Why do you think these? I tend to have a quite different viewpoint on this, though that may be due to usage differences. 1 Why do you think these? I tend to have a quite different viewpoint on this, though that may be due to usage differences.
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3 [color=DarkRed]S-Tier 3 [color=DarkRed]S-Tier
4 Knight 4 Knight
5 Halberd 5 Halberd
6 [/color] 6 [/color]
7 Stun basically makes Knight a strong riotassault, and with an insta-hit it also does well versus things assaults tend to do poorly versus. It's slow, but sits on 6.85 HPpC, has extra damage versus shields, has quite respectable range, and is pretty simple to use but shockingly effective. Very good unit. Halberd is much more nuanced, and has an armored mode requiring some micro for good usage, but is quite cheap(riot-cheap, in fact), with some of the best DPS per cost of all assaults. 96 speed(above ravager, which is insane), and ~4500 EHP means it can absolutely perform as an exceptional assault, without the all-around usecase of something like the Knight. 7 Stun basically makes Knight a strong riotassault, and with an insta-hit it also does well versus things assaults tend to do poorly versus. It's slow, but sits on 6.85 HPpC, has extra damage versus shields, has quite respectable range, and is pretty simple to use but shockingly effective. Very good unit. Halberd is much more nuanced, and has an armored mode requiring some micro for good usage, but is quite cheap(riot-cheap, in fact), with some of the best DPS per cost of all assaults. 96 speed(above ravager, which is insane), and ~4500 EHP means it can absolutely perform as an exceptional assault, without the all-around usecase of something like the Knight.
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9 [color=DarkSlateBlue]A-Tier 9 [color=DarkSlateBlue]A-Tier
10 Ravager 10 Ravager
11 Hermit 11 Hermit
12 Tiamat 12 Tiamat
13 Revenant[/color] 13 Revenant[/color]
14 \n 14 \n
15 Ravager is pretty fast, but lacks great projectile speed. Does not clear the threshold of "Likho cannot 1-shot a ravager ball", can get Thunderbirded, and has lower DPS than the Halberd, despite a similar ability to hug it's targets. However, it does tend to scale well. Hermit, I personally don't get, but it's good and people seem to love it. Tiamat is the supreme non-boss chicken assault, and with a heavy flamer for breath, the jaws of hell itself, and spores colored by the blood of it's victims, not to mention a shield fueled by it's undying hatred for the robotic species of Zero-K, the Tiamat is quite a nasty customer. It outranges many a riot, and even some skirmishers, and walks right up to many turrets without a care. Revenant flies, giving it a unique status of being able to go places no other can, and has amazing burst DPS, a plethora of tankiness, and even strong AoE. It is limited by it's cost( which is typical for air units) , and only secondly by the fact that AA can target it, unlike the many ground riots. 15 Ravager is pretty fast, but lacks great projectile speed. Does not clear the threshold of "Likho cannot 1-shot a ravager ball", can get Thunderbirded, and has lower DPS than the Halberd, despite a similar ability to hug it's targets. However, it does tend to scale well. Hermit, I personally don't get, but it's good and people seem to love it. Tiamat is the supreme non-boss chicken assault, and with a heavy flamer for breath, the jaws of hell itself, and spores colored by the blood of it's victims, not to mention a shield fueled by it's undying hatred for the robotic species of Zero-K, the Tiamat is quite a nasty customer. It outranges many a riot, and even some skirmishers, and walks right up to many turrets without a care. Revenant flies, giving it a unique status of being able to go places no other can, and has amazing burst DPS, a plethora of tankiness, and even strong AoE. It is limited by it's cost( which is typical for air units) , and only secondly by the fact that AA can target it, unlike the many ground assaults.
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17 [color=DarkOliveGreen]B-Tier 17 [color=DarkOliveGreen]B-Tier
18 Grizzly 18 Grizzly
19 Jack 19 Jack
20 Thug 20 Thug
21 Siren[/color] 21 Siren[/color]
22 \n 22 \n
23 Grizzly is a skirmassault, leaving it rather ill-suited to perform as a true assault should. As well, it's an absolutely massive unit, making it easy to hit despite it's strong range. Jack has an opposite issue- it is the very epitome of an assault. It jumps right in, and wreaks massive havoc with it's incredible 10:1 HPpC, and high DPS, only suffering from the issue of being slow and extremely low-ranged. Unfortunately, those issues are glaring and very exploitable. Thug is a workable assault, but it has the dubious honor of being food for the Felon's shield. Despite this, Thuglaw balls can function quite well, and be quite vicious as they walk straight into your base, shrugging off your few skirms and many raiders with the shields they use to perform their duties. It, however, cannot work alone, and is quite weak when caught with it's shield down. Siren is... in theory, quite good, and as overtuned as many of the ships. Unfortunaly, outsped by Hunter, skirmed by Corsair, attritioned by Mistral and Envoy, and even suffering in Siren v Siren due to the sonic turrets placement, it has few uses, the main one being one of the thickest meatshields ever seen. 23 Grizzly is a skirmassault, leaving it rather ill-suited to perform as a true assault should. As well, it's an absolutely massive unit, making it easy to hit despite it's strong range. Jack has an opposite issue- it is the very epitome of an assault. It jumps right in, and wreaks massive havoc with it's incredible 10:1 HPpC, and high DPS, only suffering from the issue of being slow and extremely low-ranged. Unfortunately, those issues are glaring and very exploitable. Thug is a workable assault, but it has the dubious honor of being food for the Felon's shield. Despite this, Thuglaw balls can function quite well, and be quite vicious as they walk straight into your base, shrugging off your few skirms and many raiders with the shields they use to perform their duties. It, however, cannot work alone, and is quite weak when caught with it's shield down. Siren is... in theory, quite good, and as overtuned as many of the ships. Unfortunaly, outsped by Hunter, skirmed by Corsair, attritioned by Mistral and Envoy, and even suffering in Siren v Siren due to the sonic turrets placement, it has few uses, the main one being one of the thickest meatshields ever seen.
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25 C-Tier 25 C-Tier
26 Detriment 26 Detriment
27 Cockatrice 27 Cockatrice
28 Minotaur 28 Minotaur
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30 These do not deserve comment. 30 These do not deserve comment.
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