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8/1/2023 12:02:49 AMUSrankLogix before revert after revert
8/1/2023 12:01:15 AMUSrankLogix before revert after revert
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1 Also i find it takes no brain to play, just 5-10 minotaurs with 1-2 ogres and cyclops once you have enough minos, with some emissaries sprinkled in there, tremor if against shield spam. ( Basically hit and run with minos then retreat to heal your minotaurs. 1 Also i find it takes no brain to play, just 5-10 minotaurs with 1-2 ogres and cyclops once you have enough minos, with some emissaries sprinkled in there, tremor if against shield spam. ( Basically hit and run with minos then retreat to heal your minotaurs. I've had some success fighting tanks using shieldball, but the most effective counter i found was redback + aspis. )