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Thoughts on AI?

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10/28/2023 6:07:23 PMPLrankrookstoo before revert after revert
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1 i give it like 5-7 year period before people will chase it out of towns, and like within 10 year govt will ban it as with insider stock trading and other thingies. . . 1 i give it like 5-7 year period before people will chase it out of towns, and like within 10 year govt will ban it as with insider stock trading and other low thingies. . . at least in form of oracle overseeing ai, for supplemental ai like in http://wolframalpha. com its quite nice actually.
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3 for example if you need how many lobsters does it fit between earth and moon, its simple answer, around 580million
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5 https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=distance+to+the+moon+%2F+average+lenght+of+a+lobster+%2F+1million