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Buff shieldball

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
11/29/2023 8:53:19 PMDErankStiofanKingofAwoo before revert after revert
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1 Thats more or less what up and downvotes are for. 1 Thats more or less what up and downvotes are for.
2 Especially since downvotes are given less often that upvotes, you can easily see that whatever logix proposed A:does not vibe with many people, since lack of upvotes B: People thought it was bad enough to warrant a downvote 2 Especially since downvotes are given less often that upvotes, you can easily see that whatever logix wrote A:does not vibe with many people, since lack of upvotes B: People thought it was bad/detached enough to warrant a downvote
3 \n
4 I do think (/hope) logix was joking anyways.