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Turn Reef drones into real units?

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
1/25/2024 5:38:00 PMDEranktalas before revert after revert
1/25/2024 5:35:39 PMDEranktalas before revert after revert
Before After
1 Drones do actually cost money: 1 EDIT: Drones are free, if you ignore the cost of the carrier. ;-)
2 Reef Drone: 15
3 Light Com Drone: 20
4 Heavy Com Drone: 35
5 \n
6 I guess this makes them even worse than I thought, but at least the Reef drones are cheap.
7 \n
8 EDIT: Or perhaps not anymore? "DRONES_COST_RESOURCES = false"
9 Guess I will have to test this later..