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New building "Stronghold"

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4/2/2024 9:19:12 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
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1 i can make a mode for you if you want? i am taking a few days off because i have things to do but i can maybe make it so that units can morph into stationary versions of themselves for a small rate of fire bonus? range and health are very op stats and like others i worry it would make vanilla statics redundant 1 i can make a mode for you if you want? i am taking a few days off because i have things to do but i can maybe make it so that units can morph into stationary versions of themselves for a small rate of fire bonus? range and health are very op stats and like others i worry it would make vanilla statics redundant
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3 imho if a morph has a strong con and a small bonus ie. loosing movement for a bit of reload speed then it could maybe be balanced 3 imho if a morph has a strong con and a small bonus ie. loosing movement for a bit of reload speed then it could maybe be balanced
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5 as for the train factory hmm.. would a unit that continually created stationary train-cars behind it as it goes that vanish after a short time.. leaving a kind of snake behind itself.. if i made the front unit look like a train and the back units look like train-cars and gave them guns.. would it be kind of a train? i can even make the floor under it be rails as it travels.. this wouldn't take long and i can even do it with unit tweaks if you dont mind a recolored rover con as the train =P