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Absolutely dumb

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
6/6/2024 11:03:46 AMTheFlyingFortress before revert after revert
6/6/2024 10:58:06 AMTheFlyingFortress before revert after revert
6/6/2024 10:57:18 AMTheFlyingFortress before revert after revert
Before After
1 It was. . . 5% rank gain. . . Just delete the recent 1v1 earnings with psaniac which didnt involve skill. . . 1 It was. . . 5% rank gain. . .
2 Also no its not manipulating elo either, the games did involve some sort of skill and i am totally capable of beating psaniac in normal 1v1. 2 Also no its not manipulating elo either, the games did involve some sort of skill and i am totally capable of beating psaniac in normal 1v1.