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Post edit history

Opinion on "no spec cheat" rule?

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
6/21/2024 8:13:01 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
6/21/2024 4:08:15 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
6/21/2024 3:57:24 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
6/21/2024 3:56:44 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
6/21/2024 3:55:04 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
Before After
1 once upon a time there was a elf named cliver5. . he lived in a hut in a mouse village with his brother a duck named 'pond' 1 deleted a story because i named the main character cliver5
2 the mice in his village loved to party and they would stay up late and drink mulberry wine..
3 one night after cliver5 had just settled down for bed he woke to the sound of broken glass.. he looked out his window to see a stubling drunken mouse.. you shouldnt be here cliver5 yelled.. but the mouse couldnt hear him through the closed window..
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5 cliver5 felt particularly cross at the mouse almost as if he had been ignoring him.. and decided he wasnt about to let this go.. he rummaged in the drawers and found a candle and a match.. then down the stairs and into the street he ran.. but the mouse had had some time to wander and his muddy footprints now trailed off into the darkness of the woods..
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7 he felt so angry at all the things people did "iv had enough" 'he muttered outlod'so he decided to find the mouse and demand that he be sorry.. he cradled his candle and ventured into the darkness..
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9 the woods were overgrown and the shadows of twisted oaks danced as the wind howled... 'i just want to sleep' he thought as he took a last look back at his warm house..
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11 cliver5 felt his elven rage intensifying the more chilled and exhausted he became.. but no sight of the mouse or the trail and now so far from his home and bed... 'but iv come so far" he half though half wispered..
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13 then a sudden crash of branches above him and stepping back he tripped trying desperatly to save his footing but his feet felt nothing but air and he fell down a steep bank realing into the dark.. he woke suddenly sodden his face caked in mud. he tried searching in vain desperatly for the candle among the litter of fallen branches. when then to his horror he peers into eyes filled with hate and fear.. needless to say he is quite relieved to see they are his own in the halo of a moon and the ripples on the surface of dark waters..
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