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Opinion on "no spec cheat" rule?

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
6/21/2024 9:08:02 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
6/21/2024 8:16:42 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
6/21/2024 8:14:23 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
Before After
1 the only thing it had to do with cliver5 is the name and his anger issues?. . i tell you what. . i quit forver bye 1 i tried in my own way to help him see his anger issues with a story. . im sorry for the harm it caused. i will leave now. thanks for all the games. please delete my account i dont want to return. . it seems feeling misunderstood when i tried to help made me quite angry. im ok now and i forgive. i have posted my password it was removed because i dont want to cause troube. . but others may now have it. thanks
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3 and i tried to show him with the story that anger is an issue that harms him.
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5 i meant well.. i was trying to help in my own way..
6 my password is SmokeDragon.. i will not be returning please delete my account
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