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Opinion on "no spec cheat" rule?

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
6/21/2024 7:29:39 PMDErankStiofanKingofAwoo before revert after revert
6/21/2024 7:29:10 PMDErankStiofanKingofAwoo before revert after revert
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1 Inherintly it is impossible to impose an even higher margin to "win". But you also don't win a zk game off the first engagement either. There are plenty of tools that can generate insane value if used correctly, though the margin for error get slimmer as you go higher in elo. In Lobpot you could practically do anything you want if you play it right, and get a pretty high winrate until your elo adjusts. 1 Inherintly it is impossible to impose an even higher margin to "win". But you also don't win a zk game off the first engagement either. There are plenty of tools that can generate insane value if used correctly, though the margin for error get slimmer as you go higher in elo.
2 In Lobpot you could practically do anything you want if you play it right, and get a pretty high winrate until your elo adjusts.
2 (examples include: cloaked puppies, singurush, land scylla, revspam, oops all minotaur, oops all cyclops, cloaked lances etc.) 3 (examples include: cloaked puppies, singurush, land scylla, revspam, oops all minotaur, oops all cyclops, cloaked lances etc.)
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5 The only real way to achieve the need to gain a massive advantage (before the game concludes naturally) is if the teams had asymetric goals, aswell as income/ability to make units etc. Planet wars had unique objectives and a time limit for attackers to win (reading from wiki), which is akin to that. 6 The only real way to achieve the need to gain a massive advantage (before the game concludes naturally) is if the teams had asymetric goals, aswell as income/ability to make units etc. Planet wars had unique objectives and a time limit for attackers to win (reading from wiki), which is akin to that.