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Some games unplayable after update

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Date Editor Before After
6/29/2024 7:05:33 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
6/29/2024 7:04:07 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
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1 during my modding i noticed two things that caused incredible lag to the point of bricking my pc. its probably not useful but ill say it anyway incase. letting gauze cannons keep noExplode = true could sometimes result in a bullet living forever and creating endless increasing impact effects until crash.. although rare gauze bullets can survive at odd angles forever. but unsure if this is 100 % due to modified weapon stats (can be reliably recreated with a tweak) 1 during my modding i noticed two things that caused incredible lag to the point of bricking my pc. its probably not useful but ill say it anyway incase. letting gauze cannons keep noExplode = true could sometimes result in a bullet living forever and creating endless increasing impact effects until crash.. although rare gauze bullets can survive at odd angles forever. but unsure if this is 100 % due to modified weapon stats (can be reliably recreated with a tweak)
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3 and secondly increasing the fire rate and aoe of detriment / starlight could result in the black scorchmarks bricking my pc.. they semed to not like overlapping. 3 and secondly increasing the fire rate and aoe of detriment / starlight could result in the black scorchmarks bricking my pc.. they semed to not like overlapping.
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5 both these issues are most likley just caused by my mods but also indicate two effects that caused extreme lag when multiplied. 5 both these issues are most likley just caused by my mods but also indicate two effects that caused extreme lag when multiplied.
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7 if you want i can provide you with tweaks that isolate those. i multiplied allot of things but those are the biggest causes of lag i found. . especialy the black scorch mark decals 7 if you want i can provide you with tweaks that isolate those. i multiplied allot of things but those are the biggest / only causes of lag i found. . especialy the black scorch mark decals