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Revenant Discussion Thread

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
7/11/2024 11:10:29 AMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
7/11/2024 11:09:24 AMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
7/11/2024 11:06:53 AMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
7/11/2024 11:06:38 AMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
7/11/2024 11:06:29 AMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
Before After
1 I think that Newton ramps are a lot closer to being an "intended mechanic" than Revenant spires. Other means of making units shoot beyond their intended range have been nerfed in the past (if memory serves, this happened to at least Gauss and Duck). I don't personally have a strong opinion on Revenant spire because I haven't really been impressed by it in the games where I have seen it, and for that matter I haven't seen it very often. 1 I think that Newton ramps are a lot closer to being an "intended mechanic" than Revenant spires. Other means of making units shoot beyond their intended range have been nerfed in the past (if memory serves, this happened to at least Gauss and Duck). I don't personally have a strong opinion on Revenant spire because I haven't really been impressed by it in the games where I have seen it, and for that matter I haven't seen it very often.
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3 I expect there are plenty of weird "exploits" that aren't actually good but are possible in ZK and I'm not sure that hunting for them all is a good use of dev time. But seeing a few games in which Revenant spire was impactful and important could change my opinion on this particular case. 3 I expect there are plenty of weird "exploits" that aren't actually good but are possible in ZK and I'm not sure that hunting for them all is a good use of dev time. But seeing a few games in which Revenant spire was impactful and important could shift my opinion on this particular case.
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5 (Sight unseen, my feeling as to appropriate counterplay against a Revenant spire is "just make Artemis". I feel like Artemis is at worst a reasonable investment in any large game, which are the only kind of games I expect Revenant spire is at all viable in.) 5 (Sight unseen, my feeling as to appropriate counterplay against a Revenant spire is "just make Artemis". I feel like Artemis is at worst a reasonable investment in any large game, which are the only kind of games I expect Revenant spire is at all viable in.)