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B1969953 30 on Nuclear_Winter_v1 (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
8/4/2024 11:45:22 PMRUrankizirayd before revert after revert
8/4/2024 11:45:02 PMRUrankizirayd before revert after revert
Before After
1 @BETER whole game writing: "why are you building useless reactors? Make a singu! Why are you building fucking fusions on my nuke? Why are you building a singu on my nuke?" As a result, they were killed by Odin ahahhahah 1 @BETEP whole game writing: "why are you building useless reactors? Make a singu! Why are you building fucking fusions on my nuke? Why are you building a singu on my nuke?" As a result, they were killed by Odin ahahhahah