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(From Cliver) Am I the same?

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10/14/2024 9:39:31 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
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1 the best way to know if your good is if care about the lives of others and enjoy seeing other people happy 1 . .
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3 so.. its not really about you..
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5 asking people to recognise your goodness is missing the major point of it.. its supposed to be a measure of love.. your selfless actions and not just a title of self worth.. im not saying that feeling good about who you are is bad just that your supposed to be good because its natural love.. not becasue you just feel you should mimic the image of it.
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7 let me explain..
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9 person 1 gives a bird some water because they care about the bird
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11 person 2 gives a bird some water because they feel guilty that they feel nothing for the bird
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13 birds... thanks for the water i love you human
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15 .. the moral is good is not just a hat you can wear.. its empathy.. a true connection.. its when you see yourself in others and its nolonger just about you.
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17 but aslong as you care and are kind then your on the right road imho