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B2024918 23 on Otago 1.4 (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
10/23/2024 12:28:23 PMDErankAdminmojjj before revert after revert
10/23/2024 12:27:43 PMDErankAdminmojjj before revert after revert
Before After
1 ya that was epic. east team really put pressure on with 2 palas, 4 funnels and some merlins and a trollcom vs west's 2 palas and one merlin and some smaller units. constantly creeping further, supported by terraformed caretakers, shields, statics and units. right at the entry to the main base, just as they would have been through, a distributed emp salvo of 3 ( or 4?) stunned everything. and all died 1 ya that was epic. east team really put pressure on with 2 palas, 4 funnels and some merlins and a trollcom vs west's 2 palas and one merlin and some smaller units. constantly creeping further, supported by terraformed caretakers, shields, statics and units. right at the entry to the main base, just as they would have been through, a distributed emp salvo of 3 ( or 4?) stunned everything. and all died.
2 \n
3 well done.