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Post edit history
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11/29/2024 4:34:55 PMDErankSnowlob before revert after revert
Before After
1 I see blues and purples fighting till the last solar regulary. 1 I see blues and purples fighting till the last solar regulary.
2 -> I can give you one of mine next time we meet ingame if you want ;) 2 -> I can give you one of mine next time we meet ingame if you want ;)
3 \n 3 \n
4 Jokes aside theres a point of no return in most games and im sure most players (includeing high ranks) cant call that. 4 Jokes aside theres a point of no return in most games and im sure most players (includeing high ranks) cant call that.
5 If you doubt me im willing to bet rl money on that one. 5 Even lobpots can be decided by a single action by a single player.