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B2052328 21 on DeltaSiegeDry Deluxe V3 (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
12/12/2024 8:26:12 PMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
12/12/2024 8:24:19 PMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
Before After
1 [quote]How do you reliable scout antis without air? Or superweapons? Who provides vision?[/quote] 1 [quote]How do you reliable scout antis without air? Or superweapons? Who provides vision?[/quote]
2 I certainly think that planefac being mandatory at the stage in the game when you are worried about antis/superweapons is a reasonable place for the game to be. 2 I certainly think that planefac being mandatory at the stage in the game when you are worried about antis/superweapons is a reasonable place for the game to be.
3 \n 3 \n
4 I do see the difference between "eventually somebody has to switch to planes" and "somebody has to plop planes at the start", though. 4 I do see the difference between "eventually somebody has to switch to planes" and "somebody has to plop planes at the start", though.
5 \n 5 \n
6 Depending on the map, the players, and the competence of the opposing air player in particular, I would expect to be able to get away with an early switch in a 10v10 at least some of the time. 6 Depending on the map, the players, and the competence of the opposing air player in particular, I would expect to be able to get away with an early switch in a 10v10 at least some of the time in the current patch.