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Upload mod cooks server

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
12/28/2024 10:42:00 AMCNrankXNTWSAD before revert after revert
12/28/2024 10:41:00 AMCNrankXNTWSAD before revert after revert
Before After
1 I upload a mod https://github.com/XNTEABDSC/Silly-Wars/releases/tag/v0.7.1.0. Its name in my computer is "Silly Wars v0.7.1.0.sdz". 1 I upload a mod https://github.com/XNTEABDSC/Silly-Wars/releases/tag/v0.7.1.0. Its name in my computer is "Silly Wars v0.7.1.0.sdz".
2 I went https://zero-k.info/Maps, select file and select noelo then click upload. 2 I went https://zero-k.info/Maps, select file and select noelo then click upload.
3 Then website load load load, I typed "website loading" in #zk. 3 Then website load load load, I typed "website loading" in #zk.
4 A little while later chat in zk stopped working (sent message didn't echo, and idk whether server actually received). 4 A little while later chat in zk stopped working (sent message didn't echo, and idk whether server actually received).
5 Then a little while later website jump to https://zero-k.info/Maps/UploadResource with ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR. 5 Then a little while later website jump to https://zero-k.info/Maps/UploadResource with ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR.
6 The server was cooked. 6 The server was cooked.
7 My mod wasn't uploaded. 7 My mod wasn't uploaded.
8 \n 8 \n
9 I did this 3 times at 1 day before and server crashed 3 times. 9 I did this 3 times at 1 day before and server crashed 3 times.
10 \n 10 \n
11 Idk where is the problem. This may relates to the lag net. 11 Idk where is the problem. This may relates to the lag net.
12 \n
13 also anyone wanna help me upload it?