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Stardust kinda useless now

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
1/6/2025 3:03:41 PMATrankNanoPirate before revert after revert
1/6/2025 2:44:26 PMATrankNanoPirate before revert after revert
1/6/2025 2:43:58 PMATrankNanoPirate before revert after revert
1/6/2025 2:43:33 PMATrankNanoPirate before revert after revert
Before After
1 imo stardust just not fulfilling its role as raider protection because they are more expensive than lotus and you have to place them in advance because of the overheat 1 imo stardust just not fulfilling its role as raider protection because they are more expensive than lotus and you have to place them in advance because of the overheat
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3 another problem i have with stardust is that it simply cant fire from walls most of the time, and i couldnt find a way to just make them fire forward 3 another problem i have with stardust is that it simply cant fire from walls most of the time, and i couldnt find a way to just make them fire forward
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6 here are some possible solutions to make stardust more useful again: 6 here are some possible solutions to make stardust more useful again:
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8 A ) keeping the overheat and shooting angle, but giving stardust ability to fire in the general direction of enemies when they are in range, somewhat like badger 8 A ) keeping the overheat and shooting angle, but giving stardust ability to fire in the general direction of enemies when they are in range, somewhat like badger
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11 B ) keep the overheat but restore the shooting angle 11 B ) keep the overheat but restore the shooting angle
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14 C ) make stardust able to fire at a high trajectory, sort of like a miniature cerberus, so it can shoot over obstacles 14 C ) make stardust able to fire at a high trajectory, sort of like a miniature cerberus, so it can shoot over obstacles
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17 D ) give it more health and/or that defenes ability like gauss has 17 D ) give it more health and/or that defenes ability like gauss has
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20 E ) i forgot.