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Stardust kinda useless now

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
1/7/2025 12:15:34 PMATrankNanoPirate before revert after revert
Before After
1 didnt actually know about the death explosion because i almost never use stardust xD but will keep it in mind from now 1 didnt actually know about the death explosion because i almost never use stardust xD but will keep it in mind from now
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4 my thungs and hermits got actually beaten up pretty badly by a stardust today because i didnt expect it, but it died like 30 seconds after, and i overran them anyways 4 my thugs and hermits got actually beaten up pretty badly by a stardust today because i didnt expect it, but it died like 30 seconds after, and i overran them anyways