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B2077617 31 on Rosetta 1.3 (Multiplayer)

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Date Editor Before After
1/7/2025 2:01:22 PMDErankAdminmojjj before revert after revert
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1 almost lost the game when redirecting DRP away from SL to "atttempt" to kill eco. DRP is not good at than, especially when in orbial shoot mode behind your silly SL-terra blocker. also, SL should have continued to snipe singus. there is no way to break terraform with that amount of funnywebs and razors. 1 almost lost you the game when redirecting DRP away from SL to "atttempt" to kill eco. DRP is not good at that, especially when in orbial shoot mode behind your silly SL-terra blocker. also, SL should have continued to snipe singus. there is no way to break terraform with that amount of funnywebs and razors.