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Dragging games

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
1/7/2025 2:25:29 PMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
1/7/2025 2:24:48 PMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
1/7/2025 2:23:54 PMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
1/7/2025 2:21:52 PMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
1/7/2025 2:12:44 PMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
Before After
1 i agree that some games there is just a feeling that comes with experience that there wont be any comebacks and everything will fall apart.. i get this wrong sometimes wich is a cool supprise.. but when enemy has a zenith and the team wont push and just dies slowly for another 20 minutes with 3 failed resign votes i can see what you mean.. 1 i agree that some games there is just a feeling that comes with experience that there wont be any comebacks and everything will fall apart.. i get this wrong sometimes wich is a cool supprise.. but when enemy has a zenith and the team wont push and just dies slowly for another 20 minutes with 3 failed resign votes i can see what you mean..
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3 but i think also its worth giving a shout out to all the games where you have 80% of the map and your team resigns because they lost the army to a nuke.. a tear for all the games that can still be won but the team looses morale. so it can work both ways. 3 but i think also its worth giving a shout out to all the games where you have 80% of the map and your team resigns because they lost the army to a nuke.. a tear for all the games that can still be won but the team looses morale. so it can work both ways.
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5 it sounds like your asking for more snowball mechanics 5 it sounds like your asking for more snowball mechanics
6 ways to win that accelerate exponentionaly 6 ways to win that accelerate exponentionaly
7 mex capture and reclaim is the current very slow way like you said 7 mex capture and reclaim is the current very slow way like you said
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9 what about REZ as a solution? if a strider capable of REZ existed (ground based and stronger then athena maybe something like Necron Tomb spider inspired) it would help games snowball much faster then reclaim 9 what about REZ as a solution? if a strider capable of REZ existed (ground based and stronger then athena maybe something like Necron Tomb spider inspired) it would help games snowball much faster then reclaim
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11 as mass athena is too late game to risk frontline aa and rolling puppies are very easy to stop 11 as it is ~ mass athena is too late game to risk frontline aa and rolling puppies are very easy to stop