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Annoying Felons

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
1/7/2025 11:30:50 PMATrankNanoPirate before revert after revert
Before After
1 ive noticed something quite annoying with felons and the shield mechanics 1 ive noticed something quite annoying with felons and the shield mechanics
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4 a lot of players dont seem to understand how the felons work, they build them without any thugs or other shield units 4 a lot of players dont seem to understand how the felons work, they build them without any thugs or other shield units
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7 this leads to 2 annoying situations: 7 this leads to 2 annoying situations:
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9 1. felons often just die at the frontline because of no ammo 9 1. felons often just die at the frontline because of no ammo
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12 2. the felons drain the shields of other players armies, essentially griefing them and making them vulnerable 12 2. the felons drain the shields of other players armies, essentially griefing them and making them vulnerable ( thats pretty dangerous when fighting high HP units like hermits or halberds)
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15 cant do much about the first, but it would be nice to have an option to disable or enable sharing shields with other players, its kinda dumb having to retreat because someone walks into your army with 5 felons and nothing else 15 cant do much about the first, but it would be nice to have an option to disable or enable sharing shields with other players, its kinda dumb having to retreat because someone walks into your army with 5 felons and nothing else
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17 would be useful in some other situations where people use aspis or aegis in an unfortunate way too (like pulling AA fire into their shields) 17 would be useful in some other situations where people use aspis or aegis in an unfortunate way too (like pulling AA fire into their shields)