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Annoying Felons

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
1/8/2025 9:07:26 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
1/8/2025 9:06:55 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
1/8/2025 8:43:36 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
1/8/2025 8:41:10 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
1/8/2025 8:30:31 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
1/8/2025 8:29:44 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
1/8/2025 8:27:38 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
Before After
1 "None of these complaints make any sense" i will try to understand him for you.. ill do my best.. 1 "None of these complaints make any sense" i will try to understand him for you.. ill do my best..
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3 op made mention of some units that tank damage quite well.. perhaps he was suggesting that a cyclopse or something is trading hp to drain the shields.. your correct so far that this is 'doing damage'.. but perhaps op had plans to use his shields in defence.. perhaps its possible that its exactly this situation in wich a player may be attempting to prevent a com snipe that maybe op could have there shields drained and loose there com. 3 op made mention of some units that tank damage quite well.. perhaps he was suggesting that a cyclopse or something is trading hp to drain the shields.. your correct so far that this is 'doing damage'.. but perhaps op had plans to use his shields in defence.. perhaps its possible that its exactly this situation in wich a player may be attempting to prevent a com snipe that maybe op could have there shields drained and loose there com.
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5 i know this sounds more like fellon being countered by high hp units to drain shields and snipe fellons/coms.. because thats what it is.. 5 i know this sounds more like fellon being countered by high hp units to drain shields and snipe fellons/coms.. because thats what it is..
6 but thats also the point.. op wanted to make shields for defencive reasons.. and the fellon is forceully converting defence into attack.. wich is good because damage is good.. but this exposure at the wrong time can get op killed... and op may have directly made the shields in an attempt to stay alive tied to a key location in the presence of long range bombardments 6 but thats also the point.. op wanted to make shields for defencive reasons.. and the fellon is forceully converting defence into attack.. wich is good because damage is good.. but this exposure at the wrong time can get op killed... and op may have directly made the shields in an attempt to stay alive tied to a key location in the presence of long range bombardments
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8 i feel like the correct solution to this is to just ask the fellon player to move away from the location if your in desperate need to prioratize defence.. assuming you have enough pressence at the location to regard it as your own base 8 i feel like the correct solution to this is to just ask the fellon player to move away from the location if your in desperate need to prioratize defence.. assuming you have enough pressence at the location to regard it as your own base
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10 but if the location is a choke point and the fellon spammer is forced to fight at that location then they may feel as though being forced to not use fellons is just as 'annoying' 10 but if the location is a choke point and the fellon spammer is forced to fight at that location then they may feel as though being forced to not use fellons is just as 'annoying'
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12 im guessing this is an issue since fellon now trades much worse dps vs shield drain after the nerf.. and the choice between defending and attacking has actual conciquences vs heavy targets 12 im guessing this is an issue since fellon now trades much worse dps vs shield drain after the nerf.. and the choice between defending and attacking has actual conciquences vs heavy targets
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14 i did a bunch of maths and 1 cyclopse drans 3 lance shots worth of shields to kill it. i accounted for fellon regen. so the shield drain is significant. 14 i did a bunch of maths and 1 cyclopse drans 3 lance shots worth of shields to kill it. i accounted for fellon regen. so the shield drain is indeed significant.