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Annoying Felons

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Post edit history
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1/9/2025 12:07:10 AMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
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1 I am aware that probably everybody in this conversation understands the following, but there still seems to be some confusion, so... 1 I am aware that probably everybody in this conversation understands the following, but there still seems to be some confusion, so...
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3 Imagine a Cerberus protected by two Aegises. 3 Imagine a Cerberus protected by two Aegises.
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7 If the Aegises [b]did not share[/b] shield charge (which can be achieved in current ZK by having the first shield on a spike way out in front of the Cerberus) then four tacnukes would be required to kill the Cerberus. As long as one does not give the shields time to recharge or the Cerberus time to repair, it does not matter when you fire them. 7 If the Aegises [b]did not share[/b] shield charge (which can be achieved in current ZK by having the first shield on a spike way out in front of the Cerberus) then four tacnukes would be required to kill the Cerberus. As long as one does not give the shields time to recharge or the Cerberus time to repair, it does not matter when you fire them.
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11 If (as normal in current Zero-K) the Aegises [b]do[/b] share shield charge, three tacnukes will do the job; fire one to lower one shield, wait a few seconds for shield share to happen and bring both shields below the threshold, then fire two tacnukes at once to kill the Cerberus. 11 If (as normal in current Zero-K) the Aegises [b]do[/b] share shield charge, three tacnukes will do the job; fire one to lower one shield, wait a few seconds for shield share to happen and bring both shields below the threshold, then fire two tacnukes at once to kill the Cerberus.
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13 I think that being able to execute that correctly is essentially mandatory to be a competent tacsilo wielder in current ZK. 13 I think that being able to execute that correctly is essentially mandatory to be considered as a competent tacsilo wielder in current ZK.