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Post edit history

B2087872 18 on Fields_Of_Isis (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
1/19/2025 7:40:51 PMTRrankTrojaner_ before revert after revert
1/19/2025 7:38:11 PMTRrankTrojaner_ before revert after revert
1/19/2025 7:37:13 PMTRrankTrojaner_ before revert after revert
1/19/2025 7:36:46 PMTRrankTrojaner_ before revert after revert
1/19/2025 7:36:18 PMTRrankTrojaner_ before revert after revert
1/19/2025 7:35:46 PMTRrankTrojaner_ before revert after revert
Before After
1 Thats not what happened. You saw me digging geothermal hole and placed it when mine was queued 1 Thats not what happened. You saw me digging geothermal hole and also placed it on top of where mine was queued
2 \n 2 \n
3 >steal my geothermal 3 >steal my geothermal
4 >my comm helps you build it because it was queued 4 >my comm helps you build it because it was queued
5 >i reclaim because i accidently helped build it and because it was still my spot 5 >i reclaim because i accidently helped build it and because it was still my spot
6 >you manage to vote kick me on top of it by lying to people i was griefing 6 >you manage to vote kick me on top of it by lying to people i was griefing
7 \n 7 \n
8 the trolling is real with this one. 8 the trolling is real with this one.
9 \n 9 \n
10 Anyway, you have been reported and hopefully the admins will deal with you. 10 Anyway, you have been reported and hopefully the admins will deal with you.