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change room auto split to voted split/ voluntary split

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
2/16/2025 9:56:13 PMAUrankMach56 before revert after revert
2/16/2025 9:55:36 PMAUrankMach56 before revert after revert
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1 Voluntary has it's own issues. For example, even if everyone would be happy with having slightly smaller teams, any one individual person can't possibly know that. So if there's an option to move to a new room, nobody would take it because there's the risk that nobody else would come to join. And of course, in real life not everyone would be happy with a smaller team, so there's a set of people would never press the button. 1 Voluntary has it's own issues. For example, even if everyone would be happy with having slightly smaller teams, any one individual person can't possibly know that. So if there's an option to move to a new room, nobody would take it because there's the risk that nobody else would come to join. And of course, in real life not everyone would be happy with a smaller team, so also there's a set of people would never press the button no matter what.