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(Sorry this is a bit of a rant)
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I quite dislike how one person can win or lose a game so quickly with a single unit. Usually with a single action. You can slug it out for 40min, build a super, spend 20+min with the super winning the game back, then a single missed message or ping can make you lose the game.
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I quite dislike how one person can win or lose a game so quickly with a single unit. Usually with a single action. You can slug it out for 40min, build a super, spend 20+min with the super winning the game back, then a single missed message or ping can make you lose the game.
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We can spend as much time scouting and pinging targets as we want, but if they don't attack the silo that's emping the super, the drp that's emping it... etc... your kinda screwed.
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We can spend as much time scouting and pinging targets as we want, but if they don't attack the silo that's emping the super, the drp that's emping it... etc... your kinda screwed.
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In a game with 16 players on your team, that responsibility is INFURIATING for the rest of the team.
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In a game with 16 players on your team, that responsibility is INFURIATING for the rest of the team.
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Equally it is extremely stressful for the one controlling the super with everyone in the team spamming you to shoot literally everywhere on the map at once.
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Equally it is extremely stressful for the one controlling the super with everyone in the team spamming you to shoot literally everywhere on the map at once.
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I also think that supers should be globally highlighted on the map when they are completed. They shouldn't be revealed while building as that lets proper scouting have a place. It also lets people prepare defences before completing it.
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I also think that supers should be globally highlighted on the map when they are completed. They shouldn't be revealed while building as that lets proper scouting have a place. It also lets people prepare defences before completing it.
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I have had 2 games now where I scouted and the ping widget failed to ping a DRP that I had scouted. That missing ping directly lead to losses in both games.
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I have had 2 games now where I scouted and the ping widget failed to ping a DRP that I had scouted. That missing ping directly lead to losses in both games.
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My point is that coordinating things is already a complete nightmare with big teams and language barriers, people hiding chat, etc.
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My point is that coordinating things is already a complete nightmare with big teams and language barriers, people hiding chat, etc.
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We need to reduce the brain burden a bit by making things a bit easier to use. This goes for how things are revealed after being scouted as well. E.g. If you scout a shield gen, it is almost invisible when in fog-of-war, I shouldn't need to zoom all the way in just to spot them.
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We need to reduce the brain burden a bit by making things a bit easier to use. This goes for how things are revealed after being scouted as well. E.g. If you scout a shield gen, it is almost invisible when in fog-of-war, I shouldn't need to zoom all the way in just to spot them.
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For scouted buildings that are in fog-of-war. Why are they not shown with their proper icons when zoomed out? Why do we rely on pings for identifying things in the first place when they are already scouted. It means if you don't have the ping widget on, you are at a significant disadvantage. (I think this deserves its own topic https://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/38547)
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For scouted buildings that are in fog-of-war. Why are they not shown with their proper icons when zoomed out? Why do we rely on pings for identifying things in the first place when they are already scouted. It means if you don't have the ping widget on, you are at a significant disadvantage. (I think this deserves its own topic https://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/38547)
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