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B2132900 4 on DunePatrolRedux v1.1 (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
3/19/2025 1:53:16 AMUSrankStuart98 before revert after revert
3/19/2025 1:46:28 AMUSrankStuart98 before revert after revert
3/19/2025 1:31:27 AMUSrankStuart98 before revert after revert
Before After
1 I was supporting that push; a full 30% of the value in it was from my units and my glaives on the other side of the map were preventing the bulk of fahx's army from joining in the defense, and I scored kills on both commanders. Even after GGP's army got wiped out attrition was still dominantly in our favor. My attack on the stinger was a mistake since there was nothing to capitalize on the stinger's death so the 700 value it cost me went to waste but my army was absolutely engaging in useful activities overall. Meanwhile @GGP's response to losing his entire army was to leave his factory idle for a minute to make two more stingers in an area that already had two stingers ( edit: it was actually [b][i]four[/i][/b] stingers that did nothing of value that he made during that time, there were two others made in mid in an area that already had a stinger) and then spend 2 minutes making nothing but cons from it. 1 I was supporting that push; a full 30% of the value in it was from my units and my glaives on the other side of the map were preventing the bulk of fahx's army from joining in the defense, and I scored kills on both commanders. Even after GGP's army got wiped out attrition was still dominantly in our favor. My attack on the stinger was a mistake since there was nothing to capitalize on the stinger's death so the 700 value it cost me went to waste but my army was absolutely engaging in useful activities overall. Meanwhile @GGP's response to losing his entire army was to leave his factory idle for a minute to make two more stingers in an area that already had two stingers ( edit: it was actually [b][i]four[/i][/b] stingers that did nothing of value that he made during that time, there were two others made in mid in an area that already had a stinger) and then spent 2 minutes making nothing but cons from it.
2 \n 2 \n
3 @Kurikaktus' army was mostly fencers and GGP's amph fac was much more suited to fighting those than my cloak factory was; that he spent 3 minutes allowing Kurikaktus to build up the fencer army absolutely cost us the game. My glaives should have eliminated their ability to build up a long term hold on their side of the map, they had nothing to counter the glaive bulkhead combination, but the bulkheads stopped materializing as soon as things got to that point. 3 @Kurikaktus' army was mostly fencers and GGP's amph fac was much more suited to fighting those than my cloak factory was; that he spent 3 minutes allowing Kurikaktus to build up the fencer army absolutely cost us the game. My glaives should have eliminated their ability to build up a long term hold on their side of the map, they had nothing to counter the glaive bulkhead combination, but the bulkheads stopped materializing as soon as things got to that point.