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5/25/2012 3:11:57 PMAUrankAdminSaktoth before revert after revert
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1 NOTA units have (had?) very samey stats, the long range units all have good HP and DPS too. They benefit greatly from Lancaster's square law because they can all fire at once, can kite and can kill the enemy before they even get in range. Once you get up a big ball of these things, they're unstoppable because the enemy isn't even getting in range to do damage and you stop losing units so it snowballs. XTA had a similiar thing with their 'AA' missile units. 1 NOTA units have (had?) very samey stats, the long range units all have good HP and DPS too. They benefit greatly from Lancaster's square law because they can all fire at once, can kite and can kill the enemy before they even get in range. Once you get up a big ball of these things, they're unstoppable because the enemy isn't even getting in range to do damage and you stop losing units so it snowballs. XTA had a similiar thing with their 'AA' missile units.
2 \n 2 \n
3 Bouy has good HP, DPS and skirm range. It has exactly that problem where 1 is counterable, but if you keep them alive they snowball as you can do damage without putting them in danger. Recluse does the same thing, but it has a lot less HP so it's vulnerable to things like firewalkers and napalm bombers. 3 Bouy has good HP, DPS and skirm range. It has exactly that problem where 1 is counterable, but if you keep them alive they snowball as you can do damage without putting them in danger. This is made even worse by the slow damage, which exacerbates the kiting effects and means that all adjacent shots after the first land, negating the poor accuracy. Recluse does the same thing, but it has a lot less HP so it's vulnerable to things like firewalkers and napalm bombers.