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6/17/2012 10:52:51 PMDErankSinKitty before revert after revert
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1 gauss? 1 gauss?
2 EMP missiles and Dante's fire + anti-shield-heat-rays are the only ways to break shield spam (except getting under it). 2 EMP missiles and Dante's fire + anti-shield-heat-rays are the only ways to break shield spam (except getting under it).
3 \n 3 \n
4 So gauss snipers with reduced damage and extended range would be fine. 4 So gauss snipers with reduced damage and extended range would be fine.
5 There is no reason to make hammers, if 2 snipers can instant-kill a Stinger. 5 There is no reason to make hammers, if 2 snipers can instant-kill a Stinger.
6 \n 6 \n
7 I would like it if a radar can identify and exactly spot another radar. 7 I would like it if a radar can identify and exactly spot another radar.
8 Since the omni-radius which decloaks units is smaller than the radar radius, you can make 1 adv. radar, see the other radars easily and with that you know where the no-go-zone is. 8 Since the omni-radius which decloaks units is smaller than the radar radius, you can make 1 adv. radar, see the other radars easily and with that you know where the no-go-zone is.
9 \n
10 EDIT: same with sonars vs sonars.
11 Radar should not be jam-able.