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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
7/12/2012 1:07:31 PMFirepluk before revert after revert
7/12/2012 1:06:12 PMFirepluk before revert after revert
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1 +1 [DE]Rick. But any usefull restrictions are currently impossible due to small player base. So go and mute me, but community will not grow because of this silly action, we need to solve basic problems which is lead to rage, currently games are not healthy which is leads to topics like this. 1 +1 [DE]Rick. But any usefull restrictions are currently impossible due to small player base. So go and mute me, but community will not grow because of this silly action, we need to solve basic problems which are lead to rage, currently games are not healthy which is leads to topics like this.
2 But now yeah, sfireman is the biggest evil in the university of ZK, each insulted newb can confirm it.