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Com module balancing

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
1/13/2013 1:33:20 PMSkasi before revert after revert
1/13/2013 12:45:09 PMSkasi before revert after revert
1/13/2013 12:42:31 PMSkasi before revert after revert
1/13/2013 12:33:47 PMSkasi before revert after revert
Before After
1 [quote]Since coms are target N1 and almost any com dies to skuttle[/quote] 1 [quote]Since coms are target N1 and almost any com dies to skuttle[/quote]
2 That's player's fault. They already found out that expensive units like Sumo, Dante and Catapult need support to deal with anti heavies. Now they just gotta find out that commanders ( who are more expensive!) need support too. 2 That's player's fault. They already found out that expensive units like Sumo, Dante and Catapult need support to deal with anti heavies. Now they just gotta find out that commanders ( which are more expensive!) need support too.
3 \n 3 \n
4 Anyway, asking again: What about making High Power Servos improve turning rate? Movement speed is pretty much useless if it takes ages to turn around. 4 Anyway, asking again: What about making High Power Servos improve turning rate? Movement speed is pretty much useless if it takes ages to turn around.