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Currently completely under-used.
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Currently completely under-used.
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2 |
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Ability suggestions (either):
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Ability suggestions (either):
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* let it cost 7000m (we have no unit in this weight-class) and balance it
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* let it cost 7000m (we have no unit in this weight-class) and balance it
5 |
* Give it a jump module for AT
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* Give it a jump module for AT
6 |
* Let it push ultis automatically into the sky (or at least away) instantly
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* Let it push ultis automatically into the sky (or at least away) instantly
7 |
* give it a slow field which slows down units at close distance, maybe even decloak them like outlaw does.
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* give it a slow field which slows down units at close distance, maybe even decloak them like outlaw does.
8 |
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Feel free to add more suggestions, [color=orange]as long as you don't suggest anything that makes it "like Bantha" or "like det"[/color]