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Russia to Ban Swearing on the Internet

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
7/30/2013 7:45:34 PMAUrankFirestorm_01 before revert after revert
7/30/2013 5:08:31 PMAUrankFirestorm_01 before revert after revert
7/30/2013 4:43:19 PMAUrankFirestorm_01 before revert after revert
7/30/2013 4:42:58 PMAUrankFirestorm_01 before revert after revert
7/30/2013 4:24:35 PMAUrankFirestorm_01 before revert after revert
7/30/2013 4:20:22 PMAUrankFirestorm_01 before revert after revert
7/30/2013 4:19:01 PMAUrankFirestorm_01 before revert after revert
7/30/2013 4:12:43 PMAUrankFirestorm_01 before revert after revert
7/30/2013 4:11:56 PMAUrankFirestorm_01 before revert after revert
7/30/2013 4:11:07 PMAUrankFirestorm_01 before revert after revert
7/30/2013 4:06:41 PMAUrankFirestorm_01 before revert after revert
7/30/2013 4:06:00 PMAUrankFirestorm_01 before revert after revert
Before After
1 Our corrupted politics just want to cover their asses. On Internets we can talk what we really think about them. We may find eveidence of their corruption. Or we even can organize demonstrations. 1 Our corrupted politics just want to cover their asses. On Internets we can talk what we really think about them. We may find eveidence of their corruption. Or we even can organize demonstrations.
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3 Certnaly it is not what they want. So we get this stupid law. We already had wave of supid laws that was started after false election of president. It is just part of that wave. 3 Certnaly it is not what they want. So we get this stupid law. We already had wave of supid laws that was started after false election of president. It is just part of that wave.
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5 Because many people starting to understand things. And possible they starting to fear for future of their country. After false election of Putin many people start to go on demonstrations. So we get wave of stupid laws that "protect us from anything". 5 Because many people starting to understand things. And possible they starting to fear for future of their country. After false election of Putin many people start to go on demonstrations. So we get wave of stupid laws that "protect us from anything".
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7 It's not about childrens for sure. 7 It's not about childrens for sure.
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9 If you ask "What is wrong in your contry?", I may give you nearest exapmle- not so many time ago our Department of Defence was caught on economy crimes. After that our Minister of Defence was dismissed and part of his team was put under house arrest. And they still under house arrest. Our Minister of Defence take status of witness. Is it good that people who have so much responsibility were corrupted and still there is no sure that they will have any responsibility for their cimes? 9 If you ask "What is wrong in your contry?", I may give you nearest exapmle- not so many time ago our Department of Defence was caught on economy crimes. After that our Minister of Defence was dismissed and part of people from Department of Defence was put under house arrest. And they still under house arrest. Our Minister of Defence take status of witness. Is it good that people who have so much responsibility were corrupted and still there is no sure that they will have any responsibility for their cimes?