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PlanetWars remake

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9/2/2013 4:46:43 AMSErankLobHunter before revert after revert
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1 Well PW is based on the Risk game which is super old, but adds a few mechanics to it (like influence spread). I personally do not think that the core of PW is broken, but there are a few mechanics which can be abused badly, for instance the IP spread and decay is abusable through the roof. Bomber factories in sufficient quantities are an insta-win button as well, and dropship production off battles essentially guarantees the stalemate if only 2 factions remain on the battlefield - which was kind of the case in the last PW. 1 Well PW is based on the Risk game which is super old, but adds a few mechanics to it (like influence spread). I personally do not think that the core of PW is broken, but there are a few mechanics which can be abused badly, for instance the IP spread and decay is abusable through the roof. Bomber factories in sufficient quantities are an insta-win button as well, and dropship production off battles essentially guarantees the stalemate if only 2 factions remain on the battlefield - which was kind of the case in the last PW.
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3 The reason for stalemate was quite simple. When the dynasty vs FM massacre started, most of the dynasty dropships were produced by the Liberty and most of the FM dropships - by Empire, because they were not actually spending them but just participating in battles. But, of course, when dynasty started to grow and GBC became overhuge, the production of the dropships increased and it became next to impossible to actually stop the conquest - at which point the machines just stopped playing PW => no turns => no game. Is it something that needs a change? Probably. If the dropship production was bound to planets not players the balance would have been completely different. 3 The reason for stalemate was quite simple. When the dynasty vs FM massacre started, most of the dynasty dropships were produced by the Liberty and most of the FM dropships - by Empire, because they were not actually spending them but just participating in battles. But, of course, when dynasty started to grow and GBC became overhuge, the production of the dropships increased and it became next to impossible to actually stop the conquest - at which point the machines just stopped playing PW => no turns => no game. Is it something that needs a change? Probably. If the dropship production was bound to planets not players the balance would have been completely different.
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5 Anyway, I am making a more detailed version of the new galaxymap with more open connections in mind, when it is ready PW is going to get a restart, which is good no matter if the rules are changed or not.