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Ingame Fails/Funny Pics

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
9/20/2013 1:16:49 PMBRrankFortaleza before revert after revert
9/20/2013 1:13:59 PMBRrankFortaleza before revert after revert
9/20/2013 1:13:33 PMBRrankFortaleza before revert after revert
9/20/2013 1:10:39 PMBRrankFortaleza before revert after revert
9/20/2013 1:03:25 PMBRrankFortaleza before revert after revert
9/20/2013 1:00:51 PMBRrankFortaleza before revert after revert
9/20/2013 12:58:42 PMBRrankFortaleza before revert after revert
9/20/2013 12:57:23 PMBRrankFortaleza before revert after revert
Before After
1 @KingRaptor enemy had Racketeers and (6?) Sniper, sumo was useless..., puppys could at least find the snipers, a lone sumo was just feeding the enemy... 1 @KingRaptor enemy had Racketeers and (6?) Sniper, sumo was useless..., puppys could at least find the snipers, a lone sumo was just feeding the enemy...
2 \n 2 \n
3 Sumo even trap it self in water when it jump... 3 Sumo even trap it self in water when it jump...
4 \n 4 \n
5 And yeah it was 3vs1, i was the only one on that side of map, guess the noob did think it was that version of map with a "big" river in mid that do not let units pass. 5 And yeah it was 3vs1, i was the only one on that side of map, guess the noob did think it was that version of map with a "big" river in mid that do not let units pass.
6 Guess when you are the higher elo in team that happen, [color=blue]just looking at the rest of my team not sure why i did even try to play serious that game. . . [/color] 6 Guess when you are the higher elo in team that happen, [color=Periwinkle]just looking at the rest of my team not sure why i did even try to play serious that game. . . [/color]
7 \n 7 \n
8 \n 8 \n
9 \n 9 \n
10 @mojjj just see the game in speed up, one team had all map, another had a small ball in mid, and game did still last more that 30min in that way... 10 @mojjj just see the game in speed up, one team had all map, another had a small ball in mid, and game did still last more that 30min in that way...